Streaming Errors with VLC on the Raspberry Pi
By Ryan

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I've had tons of problems setting up my Raspberry Pi (specifically the first edition) for playing radio in sync over udp or rtp. I've managed to find a solution!
I would get errors such as:
@4000000056b8e5e40747ea1c [01ab9840] core audio output error: module not functional
@4000000056b8e5e40748289c [b5d19f50] core decoder error: failed to create audio output
@4000000056b8e5ed36fb571c [b4e001f8] http access: Raw-audio server found, mp3 demuxer selected
@4000000056b8e5ee04fb0c1c ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1667:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
@4000000056b8e5ee0517276c [01ab9840] alsa audio output error: cannot open ALSA device "default": No such file or directory
@4000000056b8e5ee05a916cc [01ab9840] core audio output error: Audio output failed
@4000000056b8e5ee05cf3c6c [01ab9840] core audio output error: The audio device "default" could not be used:
@4000000056b8e5ee05cf8a8c No such file or directory.
@4000000056b8e5ee05cf9a2c [01ab9840] core audio output error: module not functional
@4000000056b8e5ee05cfb584 [b62c78c8] core decoder error: failed to create audio output`
In the end, the parts that fixed it were running the command as a different user (alsa has permission issues), along with specifying the device:
runuser -l pi -c 'vlc -I http --http-port 8080 --http-password vlcremote --aout alsa --alsa-audio-device=plughw:0,0 /home/pi/vlcplaylist.xspf'