Make More Room in Google Calendar for Automatically Updating iCal Feeds
By Ryan

- Published on
Go to your calendar settings and set your 4 day custom calendar to either 2 or 3 weeks depending on how much space you need per day. That calendar will morph into the style of the monthly calendar, just with more space for events.
Then you can use awesome custom iCal feeds that automatically update, like:
Movies & TV:
- DVD Movies
- Blu-ray Movies
- Custom TV Show Schedule This one is a bit more difficult and requires you to host a php script on a web server (which I can provide through my hosting company), but it's my favorite and the single most useful thing I've ever added to my Google Calendar (I used to track TV shows manually before).
- PC Game Releases
- Sony PS3 Game Releases
- Sony PSP Game Releases
- Xbox 360 Game Releases
- Nintendo Wii Game Releases
- Nintendo DS Game Releases
- If you're a user, they have iCal links for recommended concerts and events in your area, but their new album releases section only has an RSS feed.
Note: Google already has sports teams (with live score updates), holidays, birthdays, etc. built right in to the "Add interesting calendars" option.