Logitech G15 Display Customization - LCDStudio
By Ryan

- Published on
I'm working with LCDStudio to create the "ultimate" display that shows me everything.

So far I've included:
- Foobar200 (bottom left, with progress bar)
- System temperatures (top left, comes from the software Everest)
- Local weather (middle)
- Upload/download bandwidth (right, has bars that show how much capacity is in use)
- CPU/RAM usage
- Hard drive usage
- Volume (far right)
- Gmail new message count (top right)
I also have a few more pages that show more details:

I wanted to display Gmail where foobar2000 shows when foobar isn't playing (2nd screenshot), but that feature in the plugin is currently broken.
I'll probably release my config. If so it'll be here.