My Telus Tech Support Story

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One day, many years ago I spent an entire day on the phone with numerous Telus tech support people. Our internet was down and we needed it up because we were hosting a couple websites and email servers that needed to be up in order to do business.
I spent the whole day listening to them tell me to do things like reset the modem (each tech ran me through the same steps), and then go to this one site on their network to set our MAC addresses to our IP (or something like that). Every tech basically told me to click the submit (or refresh) button on the site to send the info to Telus. The techs themselves did it every 5 minutes or so themselves.
I call again near the end of the day and I finally get ahold of a young guy with some brains. He tells me that I was supposed to click the button and then just wait - up to 15-20 minutes and then the internet just starts to work. Apparently none of the other techs knew this, even though it is the first step to getting someone online.
So in short, I spent the whole day without the internet and losing business, on the phone with tech support because the techs didn't know about one specific, simple feature. I switched from Telus to Radiant immediately the next day.